I'm amazed at all the misinformation carried. It's no wonder the site Get Real Philippines is labeled as "fake news" even if it's NOT a news site. Some Anonymous trolls even call me a fake site and paid by (insert name) even when I don't receive a single cent from ANYONE for writing as a nobody blogger. Now, it's time to ask the Yellowtards a tricky question they need to answer, "Can Vice President Leni Loud Robredo certainly give you a better #SeaGames2019 if she were president right now instead of President Duterte?"
I still think about it that the desire to make Leni Loud as president is there. However, the big question about her is whether or not she will make a better president. Let's just imagine that President Duterte resigned somewhere between 2016 to 2019. Let's say that he resigned after six months. Let's imagine now that one day you woke up that Leni Loud became the 17th president of the Philippines. Let's say that this 2019 - we're now under the Leni Loud Robredo Administration. #SeaGames2019 would be under the term of President Leni Loud Robredo.
Do you remember when she said that 40 x 4 = 1,600? Well, that's just a really dumb thing concerning BASIC mathematics. I guess she will budget everything based on 40 x 4 = 1,600 rather than 40 x 4 = 160. She even has some budget claims which isn't getting any good. Just imagine the building of the new cauldron under Leni Loud herself. Let's say if she suggested that all measurements must be done according to 40 x 4 = 1,600. I can't imagine how ANY branch of engineering mathematics would do it. I can't imagine the budget getting out of hand together with the dimensions because Leni Loud's math ends up adding one unnecessary zero at the end of almost every correct answer.
I could imagine all the imaginary mishaps the Yellowtards are making will REALLY come true. I'd like to add my own imagined mishaps. Maybe, all the athletes will sleep on the floor for the next days. You can imagine how athletes will probably have no bed for real in the next few days. There will be no cubicles at all at the venue. The Century Park Hotel already addressed the TRUTH about what really happened. However, liberal media keeps siding with the Yellows for this reason - it's because they're ALL liberals. The worse part is that the arrivals will be greeted with nothing more than Lugaw Ni Leni for ALL their meals which will be served for the next days until the event is over.
As said, the real problem has NEVER been criticizing President Duterte. The real problem is when the motive behind the criticism is nothing more than to derail others. Also, criticism WITHOUT solutions isn't helpful. It's good to point out mistakes but there are times you just really need to CONSTRUCT something. It's like offering better alternatives to get the job done. If the motive behind the criticism is nothing more than an ego boost (for the one offering it) or to destroy the criticized then that's something else. After all, the Yellowtards only tend to complain about almost EVERYTHING without even understanding the situation, right?