One can observe that both President Duterte and former president Noynoy really had some foul-ups themselves. One can also observe that the opposition at their time periods usually voiced out ONLY WHEN THE PROJECT IS DONE. The very idea that weekly questioning is "unnecessary" because it supposedly "worsens things" is stupid. It reminds me during my third year up to fourth year in college - our professors would make us report EVERY WEEK when it came to research projects. Professors would demand a weekly progress report and CORRECT the ideas. In turn, those who failed are those who didn't show up. How's that for weekly inspection or questioning worsens things?!
According to Philippine Star - Noynoy uttered that they could've built a cheaper cauldron. This brings up the problems of the presidential. One, Noynoy is bound to his late mother's "beloved" constitution which only allows him one term. Two, the opposition is not even formalized. If Noynoy thought that he could've built a cheaper cauldron - shouldn't such a proposal be brought in at the weekly question hour. Just imagine if both Prime Minister Duterte and Opposition Leader Noynoy were actually engaged in a formal debate about the spending for the #SeaGames2019.
What's the use of already voicing out when the milk is spilled? That's what Noynoy is doing. I think Noynoy could've also explained how a cheaper cauldron can be built DURING the planning process. The weekly question hour would've probably put the current government and opposition in a real discussion. Maybe, Prime Minister Duterte can justify the cost saying it's better materials. Maybe, Opposition Leader Noynoy can present cheaper, sturdier materials that would outdo Prime Minister Duterte's proposed solution. In fact, I want to blame the Aquino administration's failures (or any administration for that matter) more on the presidential system than the people running the system.