This can be a very touchy subject especially some arrogant white men are hanging around Get Real Philippines. I think the owners (Benign0 and his wife Ilda) really need to be serious about TROLL PROOFING their forums whether they be social media or their site! This really has me thinking of how a certain Peter Griffin lookalike HATES Singapore with a passion. You also have other arrogant white men who hate other East Asian DEMOCRATIC countries but love the Philippines. Hmmm... do you even have to wonder why?
I was thinking about these white men who act like they've become "experts of the Philippines". Since when did they become experts of the Philippines? Did the schools they attended to in whatever countries they're in, well, give them a degree called Bachelor of Science in Philippine Expertise? I'm no credentialist myself but I'd love to throw that joke. Did swimming in any famous beach in the Philippines and getting a Filipino girlfriend (probably one that's desperate for money) ever make them experts? Did that Filipino girlfriend teach them everything they needed to know to become "experts of the Philippines"? If Filipinos who have lived in the Philippines for so long can't even be experts of their own country - WHAT MAKES THESE ARROGANT WHITE MEN THINK THAT THEY'RE EXPERTS OF THE PHILIPPINES ALREADY?
That arrogant white Peter Griffin lookalike I know calls Singapore as "everybody's favorite tyranny". He says that Filipinos should never aspire to be like Singapore. He even says protectionism is good for the economy. He says he loves Filipino culture and that it must stay that way even if Filipinos must remain dirt poor. He even dared to say that he would kill himself if he has to follow rules. Hmmm... is it me or do these white people who act like they're "experts of the Philippines" are hell-bent on keeping Filipinos poor? Just looking at the news regarding white people and sexual exploitation of Filipino women (many of them are minors and some are even below puberty) can make you think the fat bloke must be a sex tourist himself. Then you see more arrogant white guys with much younger Filipino women with them while some of them may even have an estranged spouse back in their homeland.
Why would these arrogant white guys hate a country like Singapore? Does it have anything to do with the 90s Michael Fay incident or did their Filipino whore tell them about "Saint" Flor Contemplacion's so-called innocence? I can't really tell but one thing is certain. Singapore may be democratic but it's a very strict democracy. Singapore believes that discipline as a necessity for democracy. Lee Kwan Yew may have had a wrong quote attributed to him regarding Filipinos and democracy but he still emphasized that discipline is more important. True, democracy is important but what good is freedom when peace and order are really at a mess? What good is being in a democratic country if your safety is in jeopardy because there's hardly any law enforcement? Singapore itself has a high crackdown rate on crime making it one of the safest cities Let those arrogant white men do sex tourism there and they can be sure that the Singaporean authorities can CRACK THEM DOWN. You might see them either hanged or shot by the authorities. Given that Singapore has a good economy then the poor aren't really poor in contrast to the poor of the Philippines. Having a good economy and a strict democracy makes it unideal for arrogant white guys to do sex tourism there, right? The same could be true for South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to name a few other progressive democratic East Asian countries. Sure, they have a lot of beautiful women but many of them may have been trained in basic self-defense.
Why do these same arrogant white men praise the Philippines that much like its supposedly the best country in the world? Consider how the Philippines has been in decline even after the Marcos Years ended. You can consider how economic protectionism supposedly "blessed" the country with more... UNEMPLOYMENT causing Filipinos to fly around the world. Form of conquest as that Peter Griffin lookalike says? Did the Philippines conquer other countries already? I don't see the nations where OFWs are bowing down before the Philippines! The situation of poor discipline and bad economics makes the Philippines a paradise for these arrogant white men. If more Filipinos remain poor, unemployed, and illiterate about the basics then don't they become easy targets? It's a sad fact many Filipinos only know how to save than to spend. Some of these spendthrift Filipinos end up blaming all businessmen for their problems. Others wanting easy money would easily be victims of arrogant white men. This kind of scenario makes the Philippines an ideal sex tourism spot, right? As long as the Philippines REMAINS POOR then these arrogant white men can continue to exploit its people for their own selfish ends.
Right now, I think some of them also badmouth President Duterte for this reason. As much as I don't agree with President Duterte's cussing behavior (especially the stupid G-- statement) - I still have to agree with ANYTHING RIGHT that ANYBODY does. It's like how I can still approve of some things that Noynoy Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo did right with economic policies. Some of them dislike him because of the recent stricter crackdowns on sex tourism. That alone would be a good reason to really hate just ANYONE who ruins their pleasure, right?