Does Phelim Kine Arrogantly Think He's An Expert Of The Philippines Regarding His First Recommendation?

Let me get this straight - there is NOTHING wrong with foreigners giving advice. That is, as long as they know WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. The irony really that Filipinos tend to be wishy-washy about foreign advice. Why did some Filipinos demand persona non-grata on foreigners who offend them with TRUTHFUL ADVICE? It's because it doesn't suit them. Now, why are some Filipinos siding with the likes of Agnes Callamard, Carl Hart, and once again Phelim Kine? It's because it suits their needs. It's pretty much selective really. It's like I would be willing to take advice from Lee Hsien Long and Mahathir Mohamad on good governance but I wouldn't take advice from the European Union or Kine himself on good governance for obvious reasons. Criticism is always like this - take useful criticism and dump the ones that aren't. Now, is Kine's criticism useful OR useless?

The problem that Kine has doesn't lie on the fact that he's a foreigner. The problem is that his first recommendation can't be backed up. He has to PROVE first that President Duterte and his henchmen have been inciting and instigating mass murder! Also, Kine has to show that he's doing a good job in the United States BEFORE he can advise ANY COUNTRY for that matter. There's the truth that before you criticize someone for a small mistake - make sure you've cleaned yourself up first. Unfortunately, the U.S. may have a MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM with drug addiction and drug dealing than the Philippines. If he can't clean his own yard first then what business does he have to tell Filipinos how to clean their own yard? Does New York have a good system to curb down crime? If not, then Kine needs to STFU first and clean the situation in his own country first!

This is really another area where many Filipinos need to stop doing. One of them that I always say and I'll say it again is to STOP listening to Americans who feel like they're experts of the Philippines. Kine needs to ask himself where did he get his data and is it reliable. He should do some research himself and not just stick to what Philippine mainstream media has to say about it. Does Kine think he knows the Philippines at the palm of his hand? How long did he even try staying in the Philippines? Does he have (jokingly as I want to say it) have a degree called Bachelor of Science in Philippine Expertise or even Bachelor of Science in World Expertise? I'm just throwing that in because he might want to brag about his credentials to silence the nobodies because he's somebody big. People can always tell the regular college graduates like myself to STFU because we're not economists or political sciences. Some even dare the nobodies to run for office. What's the guarantee that these idiots will ever listen if the nobodies suddenly become politicians? They will just continue their demolition jobs because it conveniences them. That's the problem with credentialism where you think everything is learned only in school. Anybody can learn basic economics and politics if they read some books, scholarly websites, and talk to more qualified people about what they want to learn outside the university setting!

What Kine needs to do is to first INVESTIGATE the claims of the mainstream media for himself. He can't just rely on mainstream media before interfering. He needs to check the VALIDITY of mainstream media, especially in this day and age. It's very easy to come up with fake statistics these days so how sure is he that the data he received isn't fake or manipulated? If he's going to be an investigator - he's going to have to CHECK THINGS FOR HIMSELF on every side. He should not be one-sided in his investigation. He should do what Stephen Sackur did by being non-partisan especially when it came to the interviews of Antonio Trillanes IV and Maria Lourdes Sereno. then again he seems to be too partisan. In fact, I'd be waiting for him to praise Jover Laurio's Pignoy Ako Blog as well-written and well-researched to further ruin himself due to his arrogance.