I remembered writing where I criticized Filipino communists who HATE capitalism but love its products. Although Valentine's Day is over - I'd like to really address another area where there are Filipinos who are against foreign direct investment but they do love having IMPORTED LUXURY PRODUCTS. Oh the hypocrisy, isn't it?
It really reminds me of talking with people with expensive tastes. Such people didn't want a Samsung because they wanted an Apple. They could've had a Samsung Galaxy but no they had to have an iPhone X. They could've had a Samsung laptop but no they really had to have a MAC. They could've gotten a Toyota Vios but they dismiss it as a "kotseng pang-taxi lang" (a car that's just good for a cab) because they want a Mercedes Benz or BMW. These products are all imported luxury items born out of CAPITALISM and NOT COMMUNISM.
When I talk about removing 60-40 entirely and invite foreign investors to do business with the locals, the same crowd I know who have VERY EXPENSIVE TASTE whine, "Why would you want them to invest here? They are the only ones who get rich! They will invade us!" as if they weren't "invaded" by imported luxury items. It's just like the irony that protectionist lovers promote protectionism with IMPORTED PRODUCTS. Also, Jose Maria Sison is enjoying life in the Netherlands - a country that GREATLY benefits from foreign direct investment! Should I also mention that overseas Filipinos are sent to countries that GREATLY BENEFIT from foreign investors? Then again these bozos I'm talking about only know how to spend money than how to budget and invest it, right?
I remembered also writing about how backwards economic thinking is probably rooted in just knowing how to spend but not how to ECONOMIZE. I remembered being a spendthrift as a teenager so maybe that's why I failed in my first grading of economics in high school. I guess the same crowd who are against foreign investors but love imported luxury products have ZERO IDEA on how first-world countries progressed, right?