I was thinking about my stance on ABiaS-CBN renewal. Personally, I want it to die by its own hand rather than because President Rodrigo R. Duterte said so. However, I gave a thought on the stance of ABiaS-CBn and the fact it holds plenty of employees. Shutting down ABiaS-CBN would mean certain people will lose their jobs, right? Yup, but there's one thing that you may consider sacrificing a few to save money might be necessary.
Here's a bit of what I'd like to stress out. I could stress out about the quality of local TV programming. The big question is what has their "beloved" teleseryes done for decades? One can also think what has Kris TV even ever done to further educate Filipinos? All those teleseryes and gossip shows by ABiaS-CBN have only made a generation of Filipinos who feel entitled and spoiled. You had some girls wanting to grow up like Kris. I wonder if it's true one of Vice President Leni Loud Robredo's daughters (and yes, they are all girls) said she wanted to be like Kris.
The bigger issue I might want to stress out aside from the rather mind-numbing teleseryes is their stance on economics. If those celebrities from ABiaS-CBN believe that the Philippines must remain protectionist then they deserve to lose their jobs. How many Filipinos these days end up LOOKING FOR JOBS ABROAD because of economic protectionism? Even more stupid is how Filipino communist groups demand to stop the labor export while they still support economic protectionism. If they do support protectionism then here's what - they DESERVE to become unemployed. That way they would feel how difficult it is to look for a job thanks to the system that has caused many Filipinos to become unemployed in their own country.
Truth is, I seldom feel sacrificing the jobs of thousands to create millions of jobs for Filipinos is this. If ABiaS-CBN is to ever shut down then so be it. It's because ABiaS-CBN seems to be the backbone of the protectionist agenda. However, removing excessive restrictions on foreign investors must come first. Removing ABiaS-CBN won't help improve the economy if excessive foreign investment restrictions aren't removed first. If ABiaS-CBN does get its license renewed then I don't care. What needs to happen is to totally remove economic protectionism so its employees can have a real safety net should the network really shut down.