Are You Infected With This Type Of #NCOV Called #NoCashOnValentines?

Filipino spending habits are something to consider hard to admire now, isn't it? I remembered writing about not budgeting for Christmas and New Year is a common habit among many Filipinos. The 13th-month pay is really not enough. Too bad (at least for them) that Filipino business laws do not have Valentine's Day bonus, right? Because that's what I feel like I want to tackle right now with another meaning of #NCOV- No Cash On Valentine's!

It's really no secret that the typical Filipino spending habit is anything but admirable. A good reason why so many Filipinos fail in finances is that they never save for a rainy day by spending whatever money they have on things that they don't really need. They tend to focus more on their needs than their wants. Valentine's Day is definitely one of them. Valentine's Day isn't even a holiday compared to Christmas and New Year. It's February 14 but you most likely have work or school, right? Valentine's Day for me gets too much of hype because romantic love is a whole year-round. Somebody single on Valentine's Day may be in a relationship sooner or later.

Valentine's Day also seems to be another day to waste a lot of money aside from Christmas. As mentioned earlier - you have SCHOOL or WORK today, right? Yet, some people purposely skip classes or work for that day to go on a date. Is a date on Valentine's Day really anything "more special" and are dates before or after that day "less special"? Can you imagine if a habitually tardy employee decides to ask for a cash advance and an excused absence for Valentine's Day? Well, that would be a good reason to DISMISS such a person. You might also mention checking into hotels not thinking of the complications pregnancies will bring along. Check-ups, medications, and delivering the (most likely unwanted) baby are all very costly so why do it? It reflects also how many Filipinos tend to do things without thinking of long-term consequences.

The  #NCOV epidemic on Valentine's Day also spreads because of the "Filipino First" policy. The policy by the STUPID Carlos P. Garcia should be treated as obsolete. Also, don't criticize Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. if you support economic protectionism. If so many Filipinos have fewer opportunities to get out of poverty (and no, 4Ps is not an effective measure) then how can they have cash on Valentine's Day? Wait for OFW remittances which aren't easy to come by? Wait for 4Ps payout day? Those solutions are just band-aid solutions. Stop listening to Filipino "nationalistic" activists say about free markets because all they care about is power.

So really, are you really still shouting "PROUD TO BE PINOY!" when you're now hit by the #NCOV called #NoCashOnValentines?