I really can't help but agree with Rigoberto Tiglao of Manila Times when he wrote the article called "Robredo's massive failure of mind". So, the news that the Coronavirus has indeed entered the Philippines isn't surprising. Let's face it that if it entered progressive Asian countries so why should the Philippines be spared? The Philippines has no unique supernatural properties that prevent it from facing the same disasters as its neighboring countries. Now the virus has entered and the question remains whether or not the Philippines is indeed ready for it.
I remembered writing an article addressing the possibility of the Yellowtards politicizing it. A recent Get Real Pundit article by ever clueless benign0 talks with how the Yellowtards are now politicizing it. Surprising? Not much at all. The whole problem of the Yellowtards is that they just LOVE to politicize disasters in their favor. I have nothing against Vice President Leni Loud Robredo giving relief goods. However, if she's doing it in hopes of gaining approval from the people then that's another story. What's worse is that the likes #SilentNoMorePH and Pignoy Ako Blog are apparently trying to make it look like their beloved Leni Loud is doing all the work while President Duterte is supposedly doing nothing. I may not be a DDS myself but I give credit where credit is due. Duterte himself has been doing what he can to help the victims of Taal. Leni Loud seems to be just there for the photo-ops herself rather than do the job she's required in her office as vice president.
The way the Coronavirus spreads does scare me. In fact, here's what Al Jazeera reveals about the Coronavirus in the article "Timeline: How's China new Coronavirus spread":
On January 7, they announced that they had identified a new virus, according to the WHO. The novel virus is from the coronavirus family, which includes SARS and the common cold, and is named 2019-nCoV. Coronaviruses are common and spread through coughing, sneezing, or touching an infected person.
Hmmm that should give you warning to think twice before politicizing the virus now it's entered the Philippines, right? I did remember writing how Leni Loud may end up hospitalized or even dead should the Coronavirus hit the Philippines. Granted, Leni Loud is really the pa-epal person. It's one thing to help the sick. It's another to touch a person with an infected disease without proper protection. Doctors themselves would wear proper protection before rescuing helpless people with infectious diseases. Embracing a person infected with contagious diseases for the sake of photo-ops is just plain suicidal. Leni Loud may be stupid enough to embrace anybody infected with the Coronavirus unprotected for the sake of publicity.
Wait, it doesn't have to stop with Leni Loud. She may even invite more of the Dilawans to help reach out to Filipinos infected by the Coronavirus. I'd love to imagine how it would go that far once you think about it. They would probably be stupid enough to do any action that would increase their risk with the Coronavirus. Maybe. Mar Roxas may even dare to carry Coronavirus patients unprotected to make himself look better than physicians who are carrying them with proper protection. That kind of action may guarantee that the Liberal Party may never rise again.