It's really disgusting to have some Filipinos who are still angry with Filipino-Chinese for social justice reasons. How often is it obsessed with what the rich owe the poor all the time? There is always the rage that unfairly says, "The rich are evil and the poor are oppressed and must be liberated." I don't deny that matapobre people do exist but such people may not be as wealthy as those who are genuinely kind to the poor. With the Chinese New Year around the corner - I decided to focus on the fact that successful Filipino-Chinese (and note there are still some who are FAILURES) are usually from rags to riches stories.
One reason I started to learn to cherish janitors and not to be ashamed of being called one is this. I remembered how a class bully kept calling me a janitor and he wouldn't do menial work. If one can realize this that Lucio Tan once started as a janitor in a tobacco factory. The late Henry Sy started out as a shoe peddler hence SM means Shoe Mart. Tony Tancaktiong of Jollibee started out poor, became a middle-class snack shop owner, and became the wealthy owner of Jollibee. That made me think if people richer than I am (and their children tend to carry on to) do menial jobs then why should I be ashamed? It reminds me of a rich man's son who insisted on helping me carry the boxes to my car. Besides, chores should never be used as punishment. Instead, punishment should be given for not doing chores properly such as no TV and allowance deduction.
It's really annoying to hear certain Filipinos who still keep getting mad at the rich because they're poor. The hypocrisy is that such people are that certain activist groups are under the control of wealthy crooks, they enjoy having expensive stuff (such as NPA members using a Apple laptop) and they dine out at CAPITALIST-OWNED restaurants. Worse, why in the world are they on the Internet? Didn't they happen to buy the PC they used from a mall. Maybe, they were badmouthing Sy while they bought the PC from a computer store renting in an SM branch. It reminds me of how communists hate capitalism while filming communist propaganda with privately-owned capitalist equipment.
The story of Tsinoys of rags to riches can prove that the Philippines is full of anti-progress, crab mentality people. Now, let's imagine that one day an ethnic cleansing law is carried out with the Pure-Pino Policy. Let's imagine a Pinoy version of Hitler suddenly emerged. That Pinoy Hitler suddenly declared that the Tsinoys were responsible for economic failure than his severe economic protectionist policies. It would really end up like Nazi Germany's economic downfall. Adolf Hitler's anti-Jewish program may have seized the wealth of the Jews but didn't account for how to perpetuate the supply. It's already bad enough for the Philippines to have excessive restrictions. How much more if a sudden nightmare happened that would declare Filipino-Chinese to be lowlives to be exterminated. They may end up seizing the wealth of wealthy Tsinoys but like Nazi Germany - the Philippines will eventually collapse should such an event happen. As the lesson goes - you never kill the geese that lay the golden eggs!