So, Sarah Elago Now Endorses Celeteque?!

WTF is all I can say at the thought of Sarah Elago becoming one of Celeteque's endorsers. My reaction can be summarized above with the GIF of Shin Hye Sun who's obviously NOT Sarah. So, what really makes it really puzzling? Sarah is known to have her socialist, anti-capitalist mindset so why is Celeteque even getting her as an endorser? The very event should be a shock or what?

The idea of getting a communist bitch like Sarah to endorse a capitalist product is just stupid. Free market capitalism and communism are two obviously contrasting forces. Capitalism focuses on private ownership to fill in the supply and demand gap. Communism is the idea of abolition of private property. Communism has proven itself to fail AGAIN and AGAIN yet why do people still follow it? What gave rise to better governments? It's not just a democratic society but a democracy that espouses free market capitalism with reasonable restrictions. Governments have their obligation to protect capitalism while capitalists have their obligation to follow reasonable restrictions. Unfortunately, many communists always mistake consumerism for capitalism. Consumerism is capitalism without ethics and focused on profit. Capitalism itself is a neutral force that can either be used for good or for evil. Then again, isn't communism nothing more than crony capitalism in disguise?

This would be something for Celeteque too to consider why they even got Sarah in the first place. It's understandable to get Gretchen Ho who is an Aquino supporter. However, getting Sarah who is endorsing communist ideals is stupid. I wonder does Celeteque have any ulterior motive in hiring Sarah as an endorser? That also reminds me of why the Philippine Daily Inquirer even had Sarah Elago along with four other communist bitches as cover girls. If they want to talk about nationalism - don't tell me the machines used by the oligarchy are all locally produced. Don't tell me that Celeteque's equipment and materials used to make their products are all made in the Philippines? Then again, they could care less about the self-contradiction if all they want is to maintain their grip on power. Why do yo think Renato Reyes Jr. a supposed "nationalist" even went to the International Criminal Court if he's so nationalistic? It's because they're not really nationalists but people who only want power

I would like to add more salt to the wounds. I'd say that Botanic Heal actually had a better mind to get Shin Hye Sun as endorser. For Celeteque, did they think that Sarah bearing resemblance to Hye Sun would help? A big contrast between Hye Sun and Sarah is more obvious than just their skin tone and disposition. Going beyond the physical - Hye Sun is truly beautiful on the inside unlike Sarah. Hye Sun is very humble unlike Sarah. You can think that Hye Sun may not really be hot but getting her as an endorser is a no-brainer. On the other hand, Celeteque may be shooting itself on the foot by getting Sarah who's obviously a communist sympathizer herself.  