I remembered writing years ago about how it's annoying that many Filipinos just don't bother to read posts properly before they comment away. It's like certain people and a certain blog that has become a lobbyist for morons. It's stupid how such people can accuse so and so of such yet they can't even point out the specifics. Many of these commentators are ANONYMOUS yet they demand so and so to show up. You also have people who react without pointing out ANY SPECIFICS whatsoever. They don't care anyway because they think they're so smart when the evidence says otherwise. Why am I not even surprised that a recent report from the Philippine Star shows that Filipinos themselves the Philippine has the LOWEST reading comprehension among 79 countries?
I'm not a bit surprised at the recent report about Filipinos and low reading comprehension. After all, you can consider some situations where some bloggers get attacked by stupid Anonymous people who comment away without understanding the post. When you tell them to read, they would just cuss and say stupid stuff. If you can't point out SPECIFICS then you are a point misser. If you say you don't have to point out specifics then what's the use of commenting? Criticism without proof is just empty air. It's more than time to ask them this question based on the recent report from Philippine Star if they're indeed proud that the Philippines has the LOWEST reading comprehension among 79 countries? Then again, isn't there a saying that says, "A can is noisier when the can is empty?" What's the use of finishing college with a bachelor's degree if your reading comprehension doesn't improve?
I wouldn't be surprised if there are Anonymous trolls again who'd be stroking their ego and cry out RACIST over the recent report. That's why I even no longer receive Anonymous comments because of the stream of idiocy that it usually provides. It's amazing how manly some Filipinos claim to be but is it because they prefer brutish methods instead of using their intellect? Funny how some of them are actually legitimate college graduates yet they can't use their education huh? Hmmm... and they have the nerve to cry out "RACIST!" while some of them are racist themselves? What's the use of saying so and so is racist against Filipinos WHILE they are racist against other races? It's just like certain people who think I'm racist towards Filipinos (but can't point out specifics whatsoever) WHILE they're racist against South Koreans. Why should I even attempt to placate their anger in the first place? They're people who are better off where they belong - behind my back!
This really takes a big jab at the SYSTEM again. The Philippine education system is really bad. It's also no surprise that English proficiency in the Philippines is slipping. Is it really even a call for PENOY PRAYD? Yes but not a call for Pinoy pride. It's not something to be proud about, right?