It doesn't matter anymore if Bongbong Marcos won or lost his protest or if Leni Loud Robredo is legitimately the vice president. The one thing that TRULY matters is that Vice President Leni Loud herself is proving herself to what she is - she's NOT capable of running the country. She's showing more and more signs that she's really hated. Nobody can really say that all the angry faces are from people who didn't vote for her. Just remember that some of those who ended up going against Joseph Estrada were his voters. So even if Leni Loud is legitimately vice president - she's already tokhanging her chances for the presidency. Maybe, even her own voters now HATE her after she's failed to fulfill whatever promises she's made, huh?
Why is she possibly tokhanging her chances for the vice presidency? Many times, she's just operating the operation "Talk-Hang". Does she even know what's her job in assisting the drug war? As House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano says - she needs to STUDY. Before that, she's already ruined herself way too many times. Some of these events are she better explain her travel expenses and not just President Rodrigo R. Duterte. You can also consider how many times you just want to ask, "Where is Leni Loud's brain?" with events such as her budget claims.
Personally, I don't care anymore if Leni Loud is ever the vice president or not. Maybe, she didn't even need the 25% shading to be honored because she may have legitimately won. However, the bigger issue she may have is this. Do the Filipino people still want her in office? Does she still have good reception? Her actions seem to suggest that she's really going to legitimately LOSE should she decide to run for president.
Meanwhile, this shows us why the presidential system is DEFECTIVE. Six years it TOO LONG for incompetents and TOO SHORT for competent people. Why give term limits to people who can still do their job well? The only time people should be forbidden another term is if they did something really scandalous or lose the capacity to run for office. Leni Loud herself is proof that a presidential system fails. A parliamentary system would've kicked her out via a vote of no confidence.