I remembered writing a post where I considered that it's 100% a waste of time trying to please both the Yellowtards and the Commietards. This time, I got another idea from The Manila Times with Rigoberto Tiglao's rather funny but truthful opinion piece about how Franklin Drilon, Leni Loud Robredo, and the Philippine Daily Inquirer are driving the current "opposition" to extinction. But are the Yellowtards the only people who are driving themselves to extinction? Not quite as the Commietards to are driving themselves to extinction.
What're the common worst enemies that the Yellowtards and Commietards have in common? It's their big mouths and their inflated egos. If I can blame anything on the loss of Neri Colmenares and #OtsoDiretso it's their ego. They could have put down their ego while criticizing President Duterte. They should have focused on giving him alternatives to IMPROVE his performance rather than use the criticism for their own benefit. Also, Colmenares can't say he's cheated for this reason - his LOSER mentality led to his twice in a row loss. He ran for senator last 2016 and he ran for 2019 and he lost AGAIN.
Now, they hope that they can regain their platform by Talk Ng Talk (talking without ceasing) platform. Colmenares is still ranting on and on not just against constitutional reform (which he refers to as Cha-Cha) but also against President Duterte. If anything, Colmenares' biggest enemy may be that mouth of his. The rest are still talking and talking without ceasing. They want to even rant for the nth time that democracy is dead because of certain events that happened. Yet, why are most of these guys still ranting and ranting on and on? The very arrest of Liela Dilemma wasn't even an act of political prosecution. It was unfortunate the HORRIBLE crime statistics from 2010 to 2016 as well as the sham raid in Bilibid all went against her.
Did they really regain the trust of the Filipino people? They can go ahead and even make speeches abroad. Maybe, we'll get more awards, not for just Liela Dilemma, but also for themselves. These foreign liberal organizations and leftist organizations may shower them with awards. Who knows, maybe Colmenares too may get an award from any "human rights" organizations. However, no amount of foreign awards from the white "experts" of the Philippines will boost them. What do the "experts" of the Philippines know when they're not even Filipinos? If Filipinos can't even be experts of the Philippines they why even bother asking the "experts" who KNOW VERY LITTLE and just rely on the mainstream media? Hmmm... one thing is funny that Commietards claim to be so nationalistic but some of them even hire foreigners? Now, the Yellowtards even brag the whole world supposedly believes them too.
Democracy grants freedom of speech to the citizens of a nation. Unless such speech has caused damage but if nobody believes then WHY BOTHER SILENCING THEM? If Antonio F. Trillanes IV should ever go back to jail - it should be for his dangerous false accusations and sedition. If Maria Ressa was arrested (though she was able to legally post bail) - it was most likely because of her ongoing case with Wilfredo Keng. If democracy were dead when why is Ressa once again OUT of her arrest AND still given the freedom to Talk Ng Talk? Why is Pignoy Ako Blog still up and oinking? Why is it that the other sites and pages like Silent No More and Change Scamming still up? Why hasn't Agot Isidro been arrested for calling President Duterte a psychopath? Why hasn't Frank Baraan IV's business been closed down in spite of his obvious arrogant hatred for the administration? Why didn't Leah Navarro get arrested for her anti-Duterte tweets. Why wasn't Jim Paredes arrested on the spot in EDSA? It's because they still have their freedom of speech. These guys have their freedom of speech and the government is doing very little to restrain them. I don't think the government should even intervene at all.
Instead, what I propose is that the Yellowtards and Commietards should just be left to talk all they want. People should learn to IGNORE them. Let them talk all they want. Let them rant all their nonsense. People who hold the knowledge of truth should just shoot the arguments from afar and not engage in any direct confrontation. Remember that words are like leaves - it's rare to find fruit among them. These guys will just keep talking and talking. The more they talk means the more mistakes they will commit. The less you talk the fewer mistakes you commit. These guys should be allowed to simply talk ng talk without ceasing. Their throats and lungs may sooner or later give in and burst because they were talking too much. They will really run out of air sooner or later. The only time they should go to jail is if they've got real criminal charges like recruiting minors into leftist organizations, sabotage and the like. If they have none of it then why bother arresting them?