I remembered writing a bit of Mar/Trillanes jokes and among them is linked to #ASEAN2017. After reading some Get Real Philippines articles on #SeaGames2019 - I decided to revive the jokes on what if Mar Roxas and Antonio Trillanes IV as president and vice president. Right now, you can imagine the stupidity of what if #SeaGames2019 were under President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes.
We can always start with the obvious. We may be seeing the presidential car driving both President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes to the already worsening Ninoy Aquino International Airport. We will have both of them volunteering to carry the luggage of the athletes while they're surrounded by the mainstream media. Then you can imagine how Vice President Trillanes may end up irritating the guests by talking and talking. It can be worsened by President Roxas requesting a pose from the honored guests. He would want to pose with him carrying their luggage to improve his already declining ratings.
You can consider the arrangements done for the athletes. They may not even follow certain standards like not serving pork to Muslim athletes. I might want to say this but with Mar saying knowing where he can buy drugs - he may even offer shabu or offer advice to athletes who want to take dangerous drugs. You may also consider the haphazard preparation of the Yolanda bunkhouses. What if the venues where the games will be held will have the Pwede Na Yan standard? We may have seats that will break, toilets without cubicles, weak diving boards, and maybe contaminated waters in the swimming pool to name a few that could happen.
Either way, aren't you glad that the two of them didn't become president and vice president?