I still can't forget the argument I had with a spendthrift person who said, "Why are you letting foreign investors invest? They're the only ones who will get rich!" That one got me triggered and I thought about another common sense analogy. I remembered writing about whether or not you'd rent a space if your lessor only lets you own 40% of your business. Now, it's time to compare what that certain spendthrift person says to the malls once again.
The analogy can be this. The Philippines is the mall. Foreign investors are potential tenants. Are you afraid that only foreign investors will get rich if you let them invest in the Philippines? You might as well consider owning a mall but never renting it out to anyone. You might as well be a person who owns a mall that will NEVER profit because there are no tenants. It would be like a person who won't lease out spaces in his or her mall because he or she fears that the tenants are going to be the ones who will prosper from leasing his or her space.
The foreign investors are also just like tenants too. That they're welcome to stay and do business in any country that welcomes them provided that they comply with the rules. They may not be allowed to buy the land but they can run a business either with a local partner or own 100% ownership. However, they must pay taxes and follow rules. Foreign investors can lose their right to do business if they fail to comply with basic rules that all businessmen (whether them or the local competitors) must follow for healthy competition.