The Problem You Think Weekly Questioning Makes It Worse While Complaining About Low Performance

I remembered there was this article from Get Real Philippines (GRP) that says that it's all the same whether it's a Marcos or an Aquino. Does GRP even understand why the Philippines has been the same whether it's under Marcos or an Aquino? It's because of the SYSTEM. Again, it's always BOTH the people and the system that runs the people. Do you even bother to get into a BIGGER PICTURE to why the Philippines is always stuck with low performance? It's not just the quality of the politicians but the same SYSTEM that allows low-quality politicians to even sit in power in the first place.

I remembered writing a day ago about the situation with Nicanor Faeldon (he should he be renamed as Nincompoop Faildon) and the Bureau of Corrections. Do you think Faildon would have ended up having questionable decisions if he had to face the Parliament on a weekly basis?  He would also have to face a shadow Corrections Minister who would question his implementation of the Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) act whether or not he took extra caution in it. Question is why is it Senate hearings only happen when something bad happens? A Parliamentary system would demand Parliamentary hearings every week with both Majority and Minority facing off against each other. The majority gives a proposal and the minority is tasked to give better alternatives.

The idea that weekly inspections will "make it worse" is absurd. You have a teacher who gives a project that's due either next month or near the end of the semester. A bad teacher will just sit down and wait for project results then get mad when everything is garbage. However, a good teacher will not just sit down - he or she will do inspections of the progress of the students so they will get their job done right. Some workplaces have manages who pass weekly reports to check their department's progress. If these managers show a poor report then they may be at the risk of getting fired for not maintaining the quality desired. Employees who fail to contribute are fired earlier than if weekly inspections didn't take place. If they can make students and workers do better then why not try it into politics. Weekly inspections are segments of a long-term project. Remove these weekly inspections and people will start slacking off and performance will lessen. It's a scary experience when your superiors demand a progress report while you don't have any progress to report! 

How will weekly inspections make political performance better? It's because these inspections are live and TELEVISED. The local media will have to present them for their readers. The evening news will present segments of the news. Can you imagine if the news featured an intense debate between Prime Minister Duterte and Opposition Leader Trillanes? Can you imagine if Faildon himself got scrutinized early for possible lapses he's committed every step of the way? The local news media such as ABS-CBN and Rappler will have to publish every last detail of the weekly question hour one way or another. 